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BIOPAC serves as a non-partisan, transparent fund that provides financial support to candidates who demonstrate support on issues vital to our members and the biotechnology industry overall. BIOPAC provides BIO and its member companies the opportunity to strengthen relationships with candidates and a greater ability to communicate BIO priorities and messages.

BIOPAC leverages BIO’s hundreds of members – many who do not have Washington D.C. offices or other representation – in helping candidates who support our agenda and priorities. In short, BIOPAC gives our members and the industry a strong, unified voice in Washington, D.C.

If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Galich at [email protected].

What is BIOPAC?

A political action committee (PAC) is a political committee that is able to make contributions to and expenditures on behalf of federal candidates and other political committees. PACs are created by sponsoring organizations (corporations, trade associations, labor organizations, etc.) that are prohibited from using their own treasury funds to make direct contributions to federal candidates.

BIOPAC is a multicandidate separate segregated fund created and operated by BIO. Contributions to BIOPAC, are held completely separate from BIO’s treasury.