BIO promotes science-based policies and protect market-based incentives to enable the growth of the global biotechnology ecosystem.
Global collaboration is increasingly important as governments around the world seek to develop comprehensive policy frameworks to support biotechnology innovation. Through collaboration and dialogue, we can create a global policy environment that enables the biotechnology sector to meet societal needs, such as treating and curing disease, mitigating climate change and feeding a growing global population.

Building a strong biotechnology sector is a strategic priority and part of an increasing number of countries’ economic vision. Through a collaboration with the Pugatch Consilium, BIO helps governments understand the best ways to encourage innovation and attract investment. The report “Building the Bioeconomy” evaluates countries’ progress towards building their bioeconomies with a data-driven approach, comparing economies with over 20 policy inputs and biotech outputs showing how regulations affect success or failure in driving industry growth.
At the annual BIO International Convention, BIO provides a forum to highlight biotech initiatives in global markets, looking at both emerging economies and other global initiatives and trends (trade agreements, IP trends) that affect the industry’s landscape. The Forum provides an overview of developments in key markets, as well as cross-cutting policy trends. It also examines unique collaborations and cross-border initiatives to further innovation.

BIO works with partners around the world to host events aimed at enabling dialogue between governments and industry, as well as creating business development opportunities for entrepreneurs. Learn more about BIO’s international event portfolio.